It’s about time my site gets a much needed appearance overhaul. I’ve been wanting to do this for quite a while now actually. The idea has been sitting on the back burner of things, but just never got around to it.

Looking over the hundreds of themes in the directory, I can say I’ve always been a fan of Veni. I think it’s got this nice artsy flavor to it that I think might work well with my site.

With that said, do not be alarmed if my site looks like a mess for the next few days, or even weeks. Yes, I will be editing the site LIVE without the veil of a ‘maintenance’ splash page (as if I get any visitors to begin with).

While I know I can configure my site to match the theme settings in a matter of minutes, I think I might find myself spending more time creating new content to match the design itself.

At any rate, I feel that once my site is revamped with a new theme, I might feel invigorated again to start posting more consistently again.

Buy me a beer? 🍺😅

This is just me testing one of Jetpack's latest block additions to Gutenberg. You don't really have to buy me a beer... (but you could if you feel like you're in a giving mood :D)
